Thursday, July 18, 2013

God and Gracie

An animal's eyes have the power to speak a great language.
Martin Buber
I love my cat.  I mean, LOVE HER.  She has been my constant, faithful companion for 10 years.  No matter how stressful my day might have been, the moment I arrive home there she is, waiting for me.  She greets me with such over-the-top, head-over-heels joy.  The moment I touch her and listen to her soft litte purr, I can breathe more deeply and the muscles in my body start to relax.  She melts my heart.  Every. Single. Day. 

I've always had at least one cat as a pet, but Gracie is the first cat who has been only mine.  When I first found this four-week-old rescue, she was so tiny she could sit in the palm of my hand.  She loved to curl up on my shoulder and sleep, and even though she is much bigger now, she still throws as much of her body onto my shoulder as she possibly can whenever I pick her up.  Her favorite pasttime is sleeping, but she also loves to play fetch with the twist-off tab from the milk carton, watch birds through the window, and plot innovative schemes to try getting outdoors. 

What I didn't know when I met Gracie is that God had a plan for her life.  He reaches me through her.  He uses her love--her faithful, constant, unconditional love--to remind me of His.  He enlarges my spirit when she snuggles up to me and purrs, completely content just to be near.  It reminds me of His nearness.  She connects me with my parents as she knew them both before they died.  She senses my grief at times, and won't leave my side.  Neither has He.  She dances with me (unwillingly at times, I'll admit :) when I'm happy, and she nuzzles me when I'm sad.  God dances with me, too.  And He holds my tears in His heart.

One day I whispered to Gracie:  I want you to know of my love for you every single day of your life.  Then I heard God whisper to me:  I want you to know that, too, daughter of Mine. 

How He loves me through this beautiful little creature!  I knew her name before I ever met her.  It's a name that reminds me daily of His grace without end.  He knew my name long before anyone else, also.  He knew how every single day of my life would play out.  And He knew I would need little Gracie to help get me through some of the most difficult, heart-wrenching moments of my life.  He knew and He provided, causing us to meet at just the right moment.  I tear up when I think about it.

Who knew such mighty truths could be revealed to me through an eight-pound ball of fur?  I sure didn't.  But I'm undeniably and deeply grateful.  And because she is in my life, I know I am undeniably and deeply loved by a God who will never let go.  He is faithful. 

Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened.
Anatole France

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