Thursday, January 24, 2013

100 Things that Make Me Feel Alive

  1. When rays of sunlight come through dark clouds

  2. Writing
  3. Gracie snores
  4. Gracie purrs
  5. Gracie
  6. Sleeping in on Saturdays
  7. Belly laughter with friends
  8. Driving with all four windows down on a beautiful, sunny day
  9. Travelling
  10. Losing myself in a really great book
  11. The smell of rain
  12. Double rainbows
  13. That quiet peace that falls over the earth when covered by a white blanket of snow
  14. Having heart-to-hearts over coffee
  15. The smell of coffee and new books
  16. Losing track of time due to being fully in the moment at a bookstore
  17. Eating outside
  18. Lying in the sunshine
  19. Standing at the edge of a misty ocean
  20. Hearing the rain fall
  21. Spending time with awesome people
  22. Helping people
  23. Journaling
  24. Prayer
  25. Sensing God's nearness
  26. Exercising outside
  27. Lying on park bench, reading in the sunshine
  28. 75 degrees, perfectly sunny, light breeze
  29. Salty ocean breezes
  30. A campground early in the morning
  31. Being near a lake
  32. Spontanaity
  33. Working hard
  34. Encouraging people
  35. The Eucharist
  36. Yummy lotion scents
  37. Gilmore Girls marathons
  38. Sleeping in freshly laundered sheets
  39. Free breakfast at hotels
  40. Airport shopping
  41. Flying
  42. Peaceful solitude
  43. When Gracie does flips
  44. Sweet moments that turn into lifelong memories
  45. Hugs from little kids
  46. Beautiful, soul enhancing music
  47. Johnson and Johnson's Vapor Bath
  48. Sun kissed faces
  49. Freckles
  50. Dandelions
  51. Wildflowers
  52. Children laughing uncontrollably
  53. Seeing the world through a child's imagination
  54. Singing at the top of my lungs while driving
  55. Hilarious people
  56. Planting seeds of hope in people's lives
  57. Getting lost in a video game
  58. Accomplishing a goal
  59. A clean, uncluttered home
  60. Freshly vaccuumed carpets
  61. Sipping coffee and reading in bed on Saturday mornings
  62. Pajamas after a long day
  63. Comfortable silence
  64. Dancing
  65. Singing silly songs in silly voices
  66. Being part of something great
  67. When Gracie dries my tears with her furry face
  68. Adoring Christ
  69. Productive days
  70. Genuinely loving people
  71. Having all the windows open in the house during springtime
  72. Lots of candles burning
  73. Playing guitar by candlelight
  74. Playing guitar outdoors
  75. Writing songs
  76. Putting the last piece in a puzzle
  77. Staying true to my values and belief system
  78. Eating healthy
  79. Breakfast for dinner
  80. Freshly polished furniture
  81. When the car has just been washed
  82. Dreaming good dreams
  83. Spiritual reflection
  84. Spiritual conversations
  85. Being loved
  86. Being a daughter of the King
  87. St. Cecilia in Nashville, TN
  88. Riding a bike across the Golden Gate Bridge
  89. Making people laugh
  90. My fuzzy cat blanket
  91. Fuzzy, warm socks
  92. Seeing the love for Jesus on the face of a Sister
  93. Hearing the Sisters sing
  94. Being content
  95. Weekends
  96. Bringing even the tiniest moments of joy to others
  97. The mountains in the fall
  98. Waterfalls
  99. Beautiful tapestries painted across the sky
  100. Cloud shapes

“Don’t ask what the world needs.

Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it.

Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”

~Howard Thurman


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