I've had a lot of intense, stressful situations coming at me lately. This morning I was in the midst of one and I looked over and saw the girl next to me singing at the top of her lungs in her car. I mean, she was FEELING it. I was staring and smiling. Sadly, she noticed me and stopped. I didn't want her to. It brought such delight to my spirit. I decided to ponder other things that randomly bring delight to my days. I made the list first, and then decided to write this little intro. I have to say, by the time I finished the list, I was smiling from within. Much love to anyone who reads this.
1. When the person in the car next to me is in his/her own little world, singing as loudly as possible.
2. When people are laughing really hard in public places.
3. Sarcastic people. Nice sarcastic. Not mean sarcastic. There's a difference.
4. When my kittty looks into my eyes and starts purring really loudly. Kitty love!!
5. When I am having an insanely stressful moment and I look up at a sunset that takes my breath away.
6. When I see 50 birds on a wire, just chillin'.
7. Really bright, green grass in the middle of winter.
8. My elderly patient who wheels her five pots of flowers around the halls on her walker shelf.
9. When patients sing to me.
10. When patients trust me enough to cry with me.
11. People who smell good.
12. Springtime when all the trees are blooming at the same time.
13. When it snows enough to make the world fall frozen and silent.
14. How much my kitties love each other.
15. When I wake up and both of my furry loves are on either side of my pillow, waiting.
16. 78 degree days with lots and lots of sunshine.
17. Large bodies of water, especially salty water.
18. When the angle of the sun makes the world glow orange.
19. Fields of dandelions.
20. The smell, taste, warmth, and feel of coffee.
21. Peppermint tea.
22. Freshly made, strong, unsweet iced tea.
23. Coffee shops with warm, inviting atmospheres.
24. Friends who are completely comfortable sitting in silence together.
25. Hilarious people.
26. Deep blue, cloudless skies.
27. Aquafresh, extreme clean toothpaste. Burns so good.
28. On Guard Essential Oil, also burns. Has kept me from illness many, many times.
29. Warm, fuzzy socks.
30. When both of my furbabes sleep in my lap at the same time.
31. Bright colors everywhere.
32. Non-cluttered surfaces.
33. Organized areas.
34. Random, unexpected encouragement.
35. People who do the right thing.
36. Kids who are not shy.
37. Dogs who don't jump on me.
38. Target, Ross, Hobby Lobby. Mmmmm...
39. Bookstores, especially eccentric ones.
40. Historic moments/places/events.
41. Remembering that I belong to a God who will never let me go.
42. Being around my beautiful friends.
43. The smell of freshly cut grass.
44. Seeing cows laying down in the field.
45. Soft, comfortable clothing.
46. Clothing that makes me feel beautiful.
47. Have I mentioned how much delight my kitties bring to my life?
48. New adventures.
49. Creating things.
50. People who are truly enjoying their job.
Live well.
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